
Beckermann Küchen GmbH

Legal notices

These legal notices refer to the generally accessible webpages offered here by Beckermann Küchen GmbH, but not however to pages of other suppliers that can be accessed via links from these webpages.


Contents of the online services
Beckermann Küchen GmbH endeavours to ensure that the contents on these webpages are up to date, complete and accurate. All contents are carefully checked on being published on these webpages and at regular intervals thereafter. Since information may however be subject to rapid changes, the contents are not necessarily always up to date, accurate and complete. Hence, Beckermann Küchen GmbH cannot accept any liability whatsoever for the up-to-dateness, accuracy, completion or quality of the information provided. Consequently, no liability claims against Beckermann Küchen GmbH shall arise through damages of a material or immaterial kind that are caused by use of or failure to use the information provided and/or by use of incorrect and incomplete information. A claim shall arise only if Beckermann Küchen GmbH can be verifiably proven to have acted either wilfully or in gross negligence.

All the offers made on these webpages are subject to change and are non-binding. The entire web content or only parts thereof may be changed, amended or deleted by Beckermann Küchen GmbH without prior notice. Beckermann Küchen GmbH shall furthermore reserve the right to temporarily or definitively cease publication of this web content.

References and links
These web pages may contain direct or indirect references ("links") to webpages of other suppliers, the contents of which are not necessarily authorised and/or constantly monitored by Beckermann Küchen GmbH. A liability obligation shall only arise in the event that Beckermann Küchen GmbH has knowledge of the contents and it is technically possible and reasonable for Beckermann Küchen GmbH to prevent use in case of illegal contents. Beckermann Küchen GmbH hereby expressly assures that at the time of link insertion, no illegal contents were noticeable on the pages to which the links were to be made. Beckermann Küchen GmbH does not have any influence whatsoever over the current and future layout, the contents or the authorship of the linked/referenced pages. Consequently, Beckermann Küchen GmbH hereby expressly distances itself from all contents of all linked/referenced pages that were modified after the links were inserted. This statement is valid for all links and cross-references within the own website and for external entries in the guestbooks, discussion forums and mailing lists set up by Beckermann Küchen GmbH. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and in particular for damages caused by use or failure to use information offered in this manner, solely the provider of the page to which reference was made shall be liable and not the person merely making reference to the respective publication by means of links.

Legal effect of this disclaimer
This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the website from which referral to this page was made. Should parts or individual wordings of this text not, no longer or not fully comply with currently applicable law, all remaining sections of the document shall remain unaffected in terms of their content and validity.

Copyright and trademark law
All the brand names and trademarks mentioned within the website and possibly protected by third-party rights are unlimitedly subject to the provisions of the respectively applicable labelling law and the rights of possession of the respective registered owners. The conclusion is not to be drawn solely on the basis of mere mention that brand names are not protected by third-party rights!

Copyright for published objects produced by Beckermann Küchen GmbH itself remains solely with Beckermann Küchen GmbH. Reproduction or use of such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not allowed without the written consent of Beckermann Küchen GmbH.